Arts Education

Our Arts Education program is dedicated to enriching the lives of youth and adults through immersive and impactful arts learning experiences. We believe that the arts are a vital component of a well-rounded education, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and cultural awareness

What We Offer:

  • Artist Residencies: Our artist residencies bring professional artists into schools and community settings to deliver hands-on, curriculum-integrated arts experiences. These residencies are designed to inspire creativity and enhance learning across various subjects.

  • Becoming a Rostered Teaching Artist: We offer opportunities for artists to join our roster of teaching artists, providing them with the resources, training, and support needed to deliver high-quality arts education programs. Interested artists can learn more about the application process and benefits of becoming a teaching artist.

  • Hosting a Residency: Schools, community organizations, and other institutions can host a residency to provide their students and participants with unique, in-depth arts experiences. Learn how to bring a professional artist to your location and the impact it can have on your community.

  • Poetry Out Loud: As part of our commitment to promoting literary arts, we support the Poetry Out Loud initiative. This program encourages high school students to engage with poetry through memorization and recitation, fostering a love for the written word and building public speaking skills.

Our Goals:

  • Expand Arts Learning Opportunities: Increase the number and diversity of artist residencies available to schools and community organizations throughout Northwestern Pennsylvania.

  • Support Teaching Artists: Provide ongoing professional development and resources for teaching artists to enhance their skills and effectiveness in educational settings.

  • Promote Literary Arts: Strengthen initiatives like Poetry Out Loud to engage more students in the appreciation and performance of poetry.

  • Integrate Arts into Education: Advocate for the inclusion of arts education in school curricula to ensure that every student has access to creative learning experiences.

Through our Arts Education program, we are committed to fostering a lifelong appreciation for the arts and supporting the educational and personal growth of individuals in our community. Whether you’re an educator looking to enrich your curriculum, an artist wanting to share your skills, or a student eager to explore your creative potential, Erie Arts and Culture is here to support you.

For more information or personalized assistance, please reach out to our Arts Education Program Officer Jim Hain at

Click below to learn more:

Becoming a Teaching Artist
Hosting a Residency
Poetry Out Loud

SUpport the arts in NWPA